All you need to know about the new RES ONE Version 10 releases
The new major release of RES ONE products is out! Here is everyting you need to know about Version 10 :
- RES ONE Suite is renamed to RES ONE Enterprise
- RES ONE Service Store is renamed to RES ONE Identity Director
- RES will no longer use the year in their products. So RES ONE Workspace 2016 will now be called RES ONE Workspace v10. The same goes with Automation and Identity Director.
- New version will follow a minor and major naming scheme. This is more in line with Citrix, Apple and VMware.
- Two new products: RES Identity Broker and RES Reporting
RES ONE Workspace v10
- New web based management portal
- New architecture with the web management portal
- New splash screen
- Support for Windows Server 2016
- Support for SQL Server 2016
- Support for Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop 7.12, because Citrix removed a SDK from XenApp/XenDesktop 7.13 that RES leverages there is not yet support for 7.13
- Extended support for Windows 10
- Enhanced support for MacOS and Linux with agent management, basic workspace containers and application security
- New installer
- Export to CSV and XML from the new web based management portal
- Windows 2008R2 and Windows 7 are now minimal requirements
RES ONE Automation v10
- New web based management portal
- Support for Windows 2016
- Support for SQL server 2016
- New Agent called Agent+, build from the ground up and ready for the future
- New pricing model based on company size
- New installer
- Push communication to Agent+
- New API based on RESTful
- Windows 2008R2 and Windows 7 are now minimal requirements
RES ONE Identity Director
- Name change from RES ONE Service Store
- New User Portal called My Store
- New installer, with greater focus on security with SSL now the default
- Service Versioning and Audit trail
- Attribute Masking, choose which users are allowed to see private information in the Management Portal
- Cascading Organisations, make it easier to browse through organizations and software
- Password reset redirect URL
- Enhanced RES ONE Automation integration through the new web based management portal
RES Identity Broker
- Completely new product, RES Identity Broker is a web based tool that provides Single Sign On between the new web based Management Portals of RES ONE Automation, RES ONE Workspace, RES ONE Identity Director and RES Reporting.
- New architecture
- Is required for RES Reporting optional for the other new Management Portals
- Needs a SSL certificate to work !
RES Reporting
- Completely new product, designed to show historical data, trends over time, access data in consumable format and is the foundation for the future
- New architecture
- Will require SQL server 2016 sp1 for the reporting database
- Minimal of SQL standard no support for SQL express
- Completely new web based Reporting Portal
- Will be able to make reports from RES ONE Workspace , RES ONE Automation and RES ONE Identity Director data
- For RES ONE Workspace reports, usage tracking must be enabled
Looking to the future
RES will be transferring more and more functionality to the web based management portals in the next two years. RES will be taking advantage of the new Agent+ in ROA and new release for all products will focus more on security.
I hope this was informative. For questions or comments you can always give a reaction in the comment section or contact me: