DFS Design
At a customer I recently had to create a DFS design and then implement it.
The customer already had a fileserver and share structure but wanted to start using DFS for replicating and HA.
I created an Excel sheet to make an inventory of all the shares and a design for DFS. After that I created a PowerShell script to create the DFS environment. In the Excel sheet I created two tabs. The first tab is the Cleanup phase and contains all the shares in the environment. The customer commented on the shares and pointed out which share could be deleted and which must be added to the DFS share and if replication is needed. After that I created the second tab DFS Design. In this tab you can see where the old shares are coming in the DFS path and if data needs to be replicated or moved.
Download the Excel sheet here:http://www.dtncomputers.nl/Downloads/Blog/DFSDesign/DFS-Designer-v01.xlsx
In this document I replaced the customer shares with Examples.
After the Excel sheet was approved by the customer I created a PowerShell script to create the solution.
The script can be downloaded here:http://www.dtncomputers.nl/Downloads/Blog/DFSDesign/DFSCreate.ps1
The script has run from Domaincontroller1
I hope this was informative. For questions or comments you can always give a reaction in the comment section or contact me: